I have bowls of rice
Enough for the many
But never enough for the greedy...
( This is an old Igorot saying I heard from a priest, which I translated into English )
Dondon, a child eye cancer patient, was interviewed:
Reporter: What is your illness?
Don: In the eye.
Reporter: Ah, so you have cancer in the eye. Are you sad?
Don: No, sir.
Reporter: Aren't you sad? Are you happy?
Don: Yes, sir.
Reporter: Why are you HAPPY?
Don: Because... I am alive...
Don is only 3 years old..
“Life is a simple equation
We become what we see or speak or touch.
Seek forgiveness, and forgiveness will heal you.
Seek love, and the world will embrace you…”
Nobody has the monopoly of the Kingdom of God.
Everyone is a client.
Everyone is an agent.
Everyone is a manager, a supervisor and an investor in the Kingdom of God.